Post Processors and Custom Software
Post Processors
Post processing is the all-important last step in NC programming. A faulty post processor can give rise to a whole host of
problems from out-of-spec parts, less than optimal machine performance or worst of all, a machine crash. Deficient post processors
aren't just nuisances; they are costing you money!
Our approach to post processors is simple and adheres to the following truisms:
No customer should have to write their own post processor. Why would you want anyone on your team fiddling around for hours and
hours (days?) with cryptic configuration files or zany post processor generators to try (usually unsuccessfully) to make a post processor? Shouldn't they
be doing their real job? Don't you have better things to do with your time?
No customer should ever have to edit a post processed file. Editing = Potential Error! It should not be necessary
to ever edit a post processed file before running it on your CNC.
Output should be exactly as the customer wants it. Close enough doesn't cut it.
No customer should ever have to go on a "scavenger hunt" to find a suitable post
processor. Most CAM companies offer a library
of post processors with their software and leave it to the customer to sift through maybe hundreds of these trying
to find that "right one". You might find that needle in the haystack but really, don't you have better things to do with your time?
With Prospector you can expect this level of support for post processors:
Exclusivity. Custom post processors are developed exclusively for you according you your specifications. These post processors are never changed unless
you authorize the change.
Speedy delivery. Upon receipt of your order and specifications, you'll get your custom post processor back in usually
2-3 business days
Fast Revisions. After initial delivery, any tweaks or other modifications you might need to the software are done at no charge and turn-around time is
usually the same day.
Unlimited warranty.During your subscription period for your Prospector software, your custom post processor is covered
as well. Any changes you might need in the future are done at no cost to you with the same turn-around time. For example, if you upgrade your
CNC software and need changes, they're done at no cost to you. If there is a new feature or function implemented in Prospector that can use
a feature on your CNC, we'll integrate that into the software at no cost to you.
Affordable. Post processors are a customer satisfaction matter to us; not a profit center. If you need post processors for other machine
tools in your shop, send us your requirement and we will get you a quote right away. You'll be
surprised how affordable a perfect post processor
can be be.
Safe and secure. The source code and executable is stored in our SCM system on our secure servers. If you ever accidently delete your post
or it "goes missing" for whatever reason, just call and we'll send it to you right away.
Our support team has developed literally 100's of post processors over the years. We've seen it all and can handle any requirements you might have.
Very few support teams have the depth of experience of our team when it comes to understanding CNC controls and how to optimize the output of
Prospector to take full advantage of their capabilities.
Custom Programming Services
From PowerSource programming to plug-in and stand-alone software applications, our customer service team can handle virtually any request for a
customized software solutions. Our skill-set includes:
C/C++/Visual Basic programming in Microsoft Visual Studio
Microsoft MFC, ATL, Win32 technologies
Custom macros for Prospector programmed in Visual Basic Script
PowerSource database programming.
Data translation.
Got an idea or a problem you would like to address and need some help to get it from the conceptual stage to
working on the shop floor? Give us a call to discuss your idea and we’ll see if we can help you make it happen.